

I pray this is an encouraging place that leaves you uplifted and inspired. I have found that God speaks to me through my daily life and I don’t truly understand what He is teaching me until I write about it.

Most of the time, words bounce around in my head. I could be thinking ahead for a discussion I might have with someone or reliving a conversation I have already had. Perhaps I don’t have my phone in my hand and I am reciting a text I need to send, or a reminder to myself. More than likely I am also imagining scenarios that will probably never happen.

Sometimes the words show up blurry as an idea develops. Certain words swirl around until they land in order or begin to take shape. I can feel myself circling some vague point, but I can’t quite snatch it from the air just yet. The idea remains in fragments until I give it what it needs: Time. Silence. Clarity. Effort.

Some ideas just need to marinate a little while, you know?

Sometimes they flit away, gone as quickly as they came.

Other times, lightning strikes and all the sudden it’s there.

If I don’t put them down, the words can drive me insane. Too much noise inside my head, too many undeveloped insights make me anxious and unfulfilled. I can’t know how I truly feel about something until I can see it written in front of me.

When those words are written by someone else, but manage to clear the clutter in my own head? Those are the ones that get my attention, the writers for which I am thankful. The ones who seem to have the same nonsense bouncing around in their heads (like me) but manage to articulate it. These are the ones I follow. Writers who take the bag of scrabble letters and place a board of beautiful words in front of me, organized and straight. Connected and clear. Saying all the things I needed to say but couldn’t get past the noise. Helping me hear the still, small voice beckoning me deeper in, that is why I love writers.

This is who I want to be: someone who helps others block out all the noise around and pick up the quiet whispers from the Word. I long to be the articulator, the organizer, to bring beauty and peace to others’ lives.

I write for my own sanity, but I share with hope to encourage you and point you to Jesus.

So, thank you for stopping by, for encouraging me. If you need someone to pray with you or lend a listening ear, please reach out to me!

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12